Died in 2019 after we sold her, likely due to grazing on too much fresh pasture after being on dry lot..
Notable...13, 14 and 15 microns are by far the highest bars on her first histogram graph. And, her regrowth is staying the same.
Beautiful Radinka ("active one") is the fourth cria produced by Christina and Fox who just have a nack for producing high frequency crimp in their offspring and interestingly, it was even reflected in the EPDs before the we submitted our herd's data.
Besides being typey and adorable and full of personality, "Dinkers" fleece is extremely fine with very high frequency crimp. Looking at her first histogram there are about 48% of fibers between 11 and 15 microns. The SD is way too high though (common in grays) so she'll be bred to a herdsire with a very low SD. Still, her fleece has a wonderfully soft, supple and smooth handle.
Sept. 2016 I pulled a few fiber from her side and measured mostly twelve crimps per inch, with some at 10 cpi. The 10-12 cpi is consistent on every fiber, even primaries. Radinka's full sister, Kristiana, was in the 2015 EPD 1% club for MC (mean curvature)...before we sent in our herd's data.
Radinka's mostly Peruvian pedigree includes all of the best producers from our herd: Constantino, Trufflina, Andrajo, Christina, Lady Monaco. Her gray ancestory hails from Snowmass Peruivan Casanova, Snowmass Royal Bronze and best ever, Peruvian Bueno. She is unrelated to all other gray lines and all the Accoyos.